
Saturday 24 August 2013


I hate that word. Weight. How much do you weigh? What's your weight? How much weight have you put on? I HATE IT.

I hate it because I am slightly bigger than my friends. Now I know I'm not obese and huge, but I'm chubby. My thighs are big and my tummy isn't completely flat. Over my holiday I put on a couple of pounds and it's made me really upset.


I have decided to lose it. I want to lose "weight". I'm not going to be dieting drastically and only eating lettuce leaves for a few weeks, but I am going to cut down on bad things. 

No crisps
No chocolate
No ice cream
No biscuits
Reduced carbs
Increased water

Thats my plan. I have just downloaded an app that will help me with keeping track of what I'm eating. Everyday I have to input what I've eaten that day and then it adds up the calories and tracks my progress.

I hope that I stick to it because I'm starting to feel bad about myself. With all of these thigh gaps being flaunted around it makes me feels like a lump of lard. 

Sorry it's been a ranty/miserable one.

Keep peachy,

Girl With A Blog 


Saturday 10 August 2013

The World

I have always been fascinated by the world. Different countries, travelling, cultures - I love it. I mean my first holiday was when I was six months old to New York, so I started young (FACT).

Now the point of this blog post is to say how excited I am by the fact that people from all over the world are reading this. I love the fact that somebody from Pakistan, Taiwan, Germany, The Netherlands, U.S.A, Russia and even my home country, The United Kingdom, is reading this. Most of these countries I have never been to and have only seen on TV. It astounds me that people who don't even speak the same language as me are looking at this blog.

I just want to say thank you, and welcome to my blog, whether you are from the country that I live in, or one that is on the other side of the world from me. Just thank you

Speaking of travel, I am off on holiday for the next week so I will not be able to post until the week after next. I'm sorry!

Keep peachy,

Girl With A Blog